Unable To Load Native hadoop Library For Your Platform

Unable To Load Native hadoop Library For Your Platform

Unable To Load Native Hadoop Library For Your Platform

What Is Native Hadoop Library?

Native Hadoop Library is a set of Java libraries that are used to access the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and other components of the Hadoop ecosystem. These libraries provide an interface and a platform for applications to access data stored in HDFS.

Why Is It Important?

Using the native Hadoop libraries allows for faster access to data stored in HDFS and increases the performance of applications that access HDFS. It also ensures that applications are compatible with the latest versions of Hadoop.

What Causes The Error?

The error occurs when an application is unable to find the native Hadoop libraries. This is usually caused by either a missing library or an incorrect version of the library.

How To Fix It?

In order to fix the error, you must first identify the missing library or the incorrect version of the library. Then, you can download the correct version of the library and place it in the application’s classpath. Finally, you must restart the application for the changes to take effect.


The error “Unable To Load Native Hadoop Library For Your Platform” is caused by either a missing library or an incorrect version of the library. To fix the error, you must identify the missing library or the incorrect version of the library, download the correct version of the library, and place it in the application’s classpath. Finally, you must restart the application for the changes to take effect.

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Dengan mendownload ulang module/provider atau download startup

5. Example to end your conversation with your friends at a campus library !

Jawaban:F:what are you reading?

M: im reading a cooking book

F:okay well im reading a game book how to game

M:ok bye see you next time be quiet in the library shush

F:ok bye see you later

Penjelasan:M itu Me

F itu friend

Ok maap klo gk ngerti

6. how to borrow a book in your school library

bagaimana meminjam sebuah buku di perpustakan sekolahmu

7. you want to invite your friend to go to the library

Hi Della, would please go to the library? There are a lot of interesting books. I'm sure you will love it. Let me know the time you will go there. Thank you.kamu ingin mengajak teman mu ke perpustakaan

8. Date:You are asking your friend to go with you for a purposegoing to a library​


what did i supposed to say,then?

9. return these books to the library for me

kembalikan buku -buku ini ke perpustakaan untuk saya

10. collective noun for native​

Jawaban: tribe of natives

Penjelasan: maaf kalo bener


haahh??maksudnya apa ya??

fungsi hadoop?

12. You forgot to bring your friend encyclopedia because you have a heavy load today. What would you say to ask for an apology?​

Oh My God! i’m so sorry! i forgot to bring your encyclopedia because i have a really heavy load today. I will bring it tomorrow.

I'll say, I forgot to bring your encyclopdeia because I have a heavy load today. so I apologize for not bringing it , I can bring it tomorrow if you are. don't need it now, I'm so sorry.

13. Return these books to the library for me

Return these books to the library for me
=> Kembalikan buku-buku ini ke perpustakaan untukku

These adalah bentuk jamak
This adalah bentuk tunggal

Sehingga kata benda buku diartikan buku-buku karena lebih dari satu(jamak).


14. Mencari kata yg salah di dalam kalimat ini English leaners dictionaries are useful for many purpose to both native and non native speakers


Mencari kata yg salah di dalam kalimat ini

Kamus bahasa Inggris yang lebih ramping berguna untuk banyak tujuan baik bagi penutur asli maupun non penutur asli

15. Failure to initialize! Your hardware does not support this application. Failed to load 'libmain.so' java.lang.Unsatisfied LinkError: dlopen failed: library "libmain.so" not found Press OK to quit.Cara mengatasinya gimana ya? ​



Pesan kesalahan ini biasanya menunjukkan bahwa ada masalah dengan penginstalan atau konfigurasi aplikasi yang Anda coba jalankan. Secara khusus, kesalahan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi sedang mencari perpustakaan yang disebut "libmain.so" dan tidak dapat menemukannya, yang menyebabkan inisialisasi aplikasi gagal.

Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang dapat Anda coba untuk mengatasi masalah ini:

   Periksa persyaratan sistem aplikasi dan pastikan perangkat keras Anda memenuhi persyaratan minimum.

   Periksa apakah pustaka "libmain.so" sudah terpasang dan terletak di direktori yang benar. Anda dapat mencoba menginstal ulang aplikasi untuk memastikan bahwa semua pustaka yang diperlukan telah diinstal.

   Pastikan Anda memiliki versi perpustakaan yang benar untuk arsitektur sistem Anda (mis. 32-bit vs. 64-bit).

   Periksa setiap pembaruan untuk aplikasi dan instal.

   Jika tidak ada solusi di atas yang berhasil, Anda mungkin perlu menghubungi tim dukungan aplikasi untuk bantuan lebih lanjut.

Mungkin juga ada masalah yang lebih besar dengan sistem atau perangkat keras Anda yang mencegah aplikasi berjalan. Jika Anda terus mengalami masalah, Anda mungkin ingin berkonsultasi dengan teknisi IT profesional atau administrator sistem untuk mendapatkan bantuan lebih lanjut.

By now we tried:

- Checking our build settings are: scripting backend is IL2cpp, both ARMv7 ARM64 target architectures are checked.

- Deleted library completely and let unity recreate it

- Setting install location to `automatic`

- Setting write permission to `internal`

- Clearing play store cache and app cache for testers device.


android {

   compileSdkVersion 30

   buildToolsVersion  compileOptions  sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8


16. Is there a canteen in your school?Is your school library is big?Who is the librarian in your school libraryWhen you go to your school library?Mention the rooms in your school​


saya bantu artikan saja yaa.

1. apakah ada kantin disekolah kamu ??

2. apakah perpustakaan sekolahmu besar ?

3. siapa pustakawan di perpustakaan sekolah mu ?

4. kapan kamu pergi ke perpustakaan sekolah mu ?

5. sebutkan ruangan ruangan yang ada disekolah mu.

17. you want your mother to give you some money.??you want semeone to accompany you to library??you want semeone to wait for you for 5 minute??​


1 yes i want

no i dont want

2 yes i want

no i dont want

3 yes i want

no idont want

sorry if wrong (maaf kl slh)

18. how to optimize your understanding and comprehension when you communicate to a new english native speaker?

make an agreement to spell the words slow and clear

19. Make a conversation that load giving congratulation and wishes and hopes for the following situation!1) your friend cahya is going to go to belgia for international COMPETITION of silat.2) Your friend, Manda won motorcycle from a bank saving.​


1) Congratulations Cahya, I hope you win the silat competition!

2) Congratulations Manda, hope you enjoy your motorcycle


semoga membantu

20. I’m still confused in solving mathematic problems."" The word ""confused"" means …… A. Unable to think clearly B. unable to perform well C. unable to behave politely D. Unable to speak fluently E. unable to read quickly Soal Sebelumnya Ragu-ragu


a. unable to think clearly = tidak bisa berpikir jernih

b. unable to perform well = tidak bisa bekrja dengan baik

confuse= bingung


pilih sendiri antara itu:) maaf terimakasih:)

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