Density Of Water In Slugs Ft 3

Density Of Water In Slugs Ft 3

Density of Water in Slugs/ft3 is a measurement of the mass of water per unit volume, usually expressed in pounds per cubic foot. It is an important factor in determining water pressure and buoyancy. Density of water is affected by temperature, salinity, and pressure. **What is the density of water in slugs per cubic foot?** The density of water in slugs per cubic foot is typically around 62.4 lbs/ft3 at 4°C (39.2°F).

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. 1. objectives (explainthe purpose of the experiment youare doing) Sugar water density2. theory (explain in detail the concept of density. if you take it from internet sources or books, write down the source in the reference) Sugar water density3. result (please take a photo of your experimental result, and describe it clearly and in detail the results of your experiment) Sugar water densityDari gambar diatas tolong jelasin pliss:)​


1. tujuan (jelaskan

tujuan percobaan anda

sedang melakukan) Kepadatan air gula

2. teori (jelaskan secara detail konsep massa jenis. Jika diambil dari sumber internet atau buku, tuliskan sumbernya di referensi) Berat jenis air gula

3. Hasil (Harap ambil foto hasil percobaan Anda, dan jelaskan dengan jelas dan rinci hasil percobaan Anda) Berat jenis air gula


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2. ARCHIMEDES LAW: Determine the density of the cork if 75% of volume cork is dipping into water and water density 1 gram/cm3!

Fh= w

roair. g . Vbenda yg tercelup = robenda . g. Vbenda

1 . 10. 75%V = robenda. 10. V

1/4V = robenda . V

ro benda = 1/4 = 0,25 gram/cm³

3. An object floats above the water surface layering by oil with 70% volume of object in the water, 20% in oil, and the left in above the oil. If density of oil is 0,8 g/cm3, then the density of object is...g/cm3


0,76 gr/cm3


4. a block has density of 2500 kg/m^3 and when in air it weight 25 newton. determine the weight of the block in water​


15 Newton


[tex]w = m × g \\

25 = m × 10 \\

m = 2.5 \: kg \\

ρ = \frac{m}{v} \\ 2500 = \frac{2.5}{v} \\ v = {10}^{ - 3} \: {m}^{3}[/tex]

[tex]Fa = \: ρf \times g \times v \: \\ Fa = \: {10}^{3} \times 10 \times {10}^{ - 3} = 10 \: N[/tex]

[tex]w'=w - Fa =25 - 10 = 15 \: N[/tex]

Fa = Archimedes Force

ρf = fluid density (water ρf = 1 000 kg/m³)

w' = weight of the block in water

5. a rectanguler building lot has a width of 75.0 ft and a length of 125 ft. determine the area of this lot in square meters.

Diketahui :

w = 75 ft= 75 x 0,3 m = 22,5 m

l = 125 ft = 125 x 0,3 m = 37,5 m

Ditanya :

Luas (A)?

Jawaban :

A = w x l

A = 22,5 x 37,5 = 843,75 m^2  

6. Gabriella has 3 bottles of water. Each bottle contains 500ml of water. Work out the total quantity of water. Give your answer in litres!​


1,5 L

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3 bottles x 500 ml = 1500 ml = 1,5 Litres

7. Which boxes have a volume of 120 cubic feet? Box A: length of 5 ft, width of 4 ft, height of 6 ft Box B: length of 7 ft, width of 7 ft, height of 6 ft Box C: length of 3 ft, width of 6 ft, height of 4 ft Box D: length of 10 ft, width of 3 ft, height of 4 ft 1; A and B 2; A and D 3; B and C 4; B and D Please help




Boxes A and D have a volume of 120 cubit feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we just have to find the volume for each box so we do...

The volume of box A is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 5 ft x 4ft x 6ft = 120

The volume of box B is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 7ft x 7ft x 6ft = 294

The volume of box C is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 3ft x 6ft x 4ft = 72

The volume of box D is:

(Length) x (Width) x (Height) = 10ft x 3ft x 4ft = 120

Now we can see that boxes A and D have a volume of 120 cubit feet.

8. 3. A flower garden is in the shape of a right triangle. One leg of the triangle is 6 ft long and the hypotenuse is 12 ft long. What is the length of the other leg? A 14.6 ft B 10.4 ft C 13 ft D 12.8 ft tolong pake cara

A= 6
C= 12
B= ?

B^2= C^2- A^2



9. What is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass?​


Apa gunanya massa jenis dalam perhitungan persentase massa?


Density can also be used to determine the mass percent of an unknown concentration.


maaf kalau salah, semoga dapat terbantu

10. Calculate the pressure of water on the bottom of a swimming pool if the depth of water in the pool varies between 0.8m and 2.4m (density of water = 1000kg.m3). If atmospheric pressure is 1.01 x 10Pa, calculate the maximum total pressure at the bottom of the swimming pool.​


117 kPa


h = 2,4 - 0,8

h = 1,6

density (p) = 1000

Archimedes law

P = p . g . h

P = 1000 . 10 . 1,6

P = 16000

P = 16 kN

P = 16 kPa

Total pressure

Atmosphere pressure + water pressure

1,01 . 10^5 + 16000

101000 + 16000


117 kPa

11. what is the use of density in the calculation of percentage by mass​


%B = p 10 B / Mr


semoga bermanfaat

12. A cubic container is filled with 1000cm³ of water. If 1197cm³ of the water is added, find the height, in cm, of water in the container.​

Short answer:

13 cm


Cubic container = 1.000 cm³ + 1.197 cm³

Cubic container = 2.197 cm³

Cubic container = side x side x side

2.197 cm³ = side³

side = [tex]\sqrt[3]{2.197}[/tex] cm

side = 13 cm

So, the height of water in the container is 13 cm

13. solubility of limestone in water​


Solubility. Calcium carbonate has a very low solubility in pure water (15 mg/L at 25°C), but in rainwater saturated with carbon dioxide, its solubility increases due to the formation of more soluble calcium bicarbonate.


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14. The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This is useful as it means we can measure themass of water and easily work out its volume. A. What is the mass of 1cm³ of water? B. What is the mass of 20cm³ of water? C. What is the volume of 10g of water? D. What is the volume of 22.5g of water​


The density of water is 1.0g/cm3. This means 1 g of water mass equals to 1 cm³ of water volume.

a. 1 cm³= 1g

b. 20 cm³= 20g

c. 10 g= 10 cm³

d. 22.5g = 22,5 cm³

semangat belajar


15. 6. Analyze (please describe in full how the results of your experiment can be like that) Sugar water density7. Conclusion (write down the results of your experiment) Sugar water density 8. Reference (put the source of the information you use from the internet site or book here) Sugar water densityplis jawab dari gambar diatas​


6. Menganalisis (jelaskan secara lengkap bagaimana hasil percobaan Anda bisa seperti itu) Massa jenis air gula

7. Kesimpulan (tuliskan hasil percobaan Anda) Berat jenis air gula

8.referensi (cantumkan sumber informasi yang Anda gunakan dari situs internet atau buku di sini) Berat jenis air gula

Plis jawab dari gambar diatas


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16. a scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in the water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the dependent variable is a) the temperature of the water b) the amount of salt in water c) the number of plants in the water d) the water

c. the number of plants in the water

17. a bathtub of length 200 cm and width 60 cm of water as high as 30 cm. calculate the water pressure at the bottom of bathtub! (water density : 1000 kg/m, acceleration of gravity : 9,8 n/kg.)

p=rho x g x h
=1000 * 9,8 * 0,3

18. the ratio of the volume of water in jug A to the volume of water in jug B is 3 : 5.Jug A countains 900 ml og water.what is the volome of water in jug B in milimeter​


A :B = 3 : 5 = 900ml :B

[tex] \frac{3}{5} = \frac{900}{b} [/tex]

[tex]b = \frac{900 \times 5}{3} = 1500ml[/tex]

volome of water in jug B =1500 mll

19. The tank is 51m long and 20m wide. The sea-water in the tank is 11m deep and has a density of 1030kg/m³. (a) Calculate the mass of water in the tank. The pressure at point M , halfway down the large viewing panel, is 60kPa more than atmospheric pressure. (b) Calculate the depth of M below the surface of the water. ​.


FA = wu – wf  

FA = F_A=\rho gVFA=ρgV


Perhatikan gambar, maka banyak orang yang dapat ditampung adalah

\begin{gathered}W+nW_o=F_a\\10000+n*500=1030*10*5000\\10000+500n=51500000\\500n=51490000\\n=102980 \; orang\end{gathered}W+nWo=Fa10000+n∗500=1030∗10∗500010000+500n=51500000500n=51490000n=102980orang


maaf kalau salah Oh

20. Hitunglah derajat Be, Tw, dan API bila diketahui density solid 2 gr/cm³ dan density Water 1gr/cm³ ​


S. G = density of solid / density of water

S. G = 2gr/cm³/1gr/cm³ = 2

Because the density solid is bigger than density water, then.

a) °Be = 145 - 145/S.G = 145 - 145/2 = 72,5°Be

b) °Tw = 200(S.G - 1) = 200(2-1) = 200°Tw

c) °API = (141,5/2) -131,5 = -60,75°API

Itu udah rumus ketetapan untuk massa jenis padat lebih besar dari massa jenis air

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