100 M To Km

100 M To Km

The topic of today's lesson is 100 M to Km. This is a conversion of distance units from Meters (M) to Kilometers (Km). To convert from Meters to Kilometers, simply divide the number of meters by 1000. For example, 100 Meters is equal to 0.1 Kilometers. **Q: How do you convert from M to Km?** To convert from Meters to Kilometers, simply divide the number of meters by 1000.

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Questions and Answers:

Table of Content:

1. State the number of significant figures in each of the following. (a) 3800 m (correct to the nearest 10 m) (b) 25 000 km (correct to the nearest km) (c) 100 000 g (correct to the nearest 10 000 g)


(a) 3.800 m = 380 m

(b) 25.000 km = 25.000 km (rounded to the nearest km)

(c) 100.000 g = 10 g

hope it's help

2. Lengka Pilah tabel berikut Latihan 1 Jarol 1. 100 m. 2 180 m 2M 5.360 km 65 40 km 7.400 km km g km to 280 km. wak tu 40 detik detik 30 detik bo delik go delik Jam Jam Kecapatan Rak Idetik 3m/delik 12m /detik 12m/delik mldetu gakmljan 4 ½ Jam 3. Jam 24 Jam 80km/Jom 120 km/ 70km/30m ..km 15am (GDV)​


tak tauuuu aku juga tidak bisa matematika

3. 7. Lengkapi tabel berikut.SkalaNo.Jarak pada peta/photoJarak sebenarnyaA1:201 m... cmВ B.2 cmkm1 : 200.0001:20C С... cm6 mD1:1100 cm... mTO 10TT​


Skala adalah hasil perbandingan antara jarak peta dengan jarak sebenarnya

Rumus" skala:

Skala = jarak peta : jarak sebenarnya

Jarak peta = jarak sebenarnya x skala

Jarak sebenarnya = jarak peta : skala

Jp = Jarak peta

Js = jarak sebenarnya

S = skala


Penyelesaian dengan Langkah-langkah:

Soal bagian A


Jarak sebenarnya = 1 m = 100 cm

Skala = 1 : 20


Jarak Peta = ... ?


jp = js x s

= 1m x ¹/₂₀

= 100 cm x ¹/₂₀

= 5 cm

Jadi jarak peta = 5 cm

Penyelesaian soal bagian B


Jarak peta = 2 cm

Skala = 1 : 200.000


Jarak sebenarnya = .. ?


js = jp : s

= 2 : ¹/₂₀₀.₀₀₀

= 2 x 200.000

= 400.000 cm

= 4 km

Jadi jarak sebenarnya = 4 km

Penyelesaian soal bagian C


Jarak Sebenarnya = 6 m = 600 cm

Skala = 1 : 20


Jarak peta = ... ?


jp = js x s

= 6m x ¹/₂₀

= 600 cm x ¹/₂₀

= 30 cm

Jadi Jarak peta = 30 cm

Penyelesaian soal bagian D


Jarak peta = 100 cm

Skala = 1 : 1


jarak sebenarnya = .. ?


js = jp : s

= 100 cm : ¹/₁

= 100 cm x 1

= 100 cm

= 1 m

Jadi Jarak sebenarnya = 1 m

Pelajari Lebih lanjut

Skala adalah dapat disimak juga di








Detail Jawaban

Kelas : 5

Mapel : matematika

Kategori : perbandingan, kecepatan, skala, debit

Kode : 5.2.2

Kata kunci : skala peta, jarak sesungguhnya, jarak peta, perbandingan

4. Tsunami, japanese word meaning " harbour wave, " used as the scientific term for a class of abnormal sea wave that can cause catastrophic damage when it hits a coastline. Tsunamis can be generated by an undersea earthquake, an undersea landslide, the eruption of an undersea volcano, or by the force of an asteroid crashing into the ocean. The most frequent cause of tsunamis is an undersea earthquake. a tsunami can have wavelengths, or widths ( the distance between one wave crest to the next ), of 100 to 200 km ( 60 to 120 mil ), and may travel hundreds of kilometers across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 km/h ( about 450 to 500 mph ). A tsunami is not one wave but a series of waves. in the deep ocean, the waves may be only about half a meter ( a foot or two ) high. people on board a ship passing over it would not even notice the tsunami. Upon entering shallow coastal waters , however , the waves may suddenly grow rapidly in height. When the waves reach the shore, they may be 15 m ( 50 ft ) high or more. Tsunamis can also take the form if a very fast tide or bore, depending on the shape of the sea floor. Tsunamis have tremendous force because of the great volume of water affected and the speed at which they travel. Just a cubic yard of water , for example , weights about , one ton. Although the tsunami slows to a speed of about 48 km/h ( 30 mph ) as it approaches a coastline, it has a destructive force equal to millions of tons. Tsunamis are capable of obliterating coastal settlements. adalah jenis text?

jenis report text.

mendeskripsikan tsunami dg tense simple present tense dan passive simple present

5. A tour bus left Town A at 9.00 a.m. and arrived in Town B, 120 km away, at 11.00 a.m. a. Find the average speed of the tour bus. b. The tour bus continued its journey at the same speed from Town B to Town C 90 km. What time did the bus arrive in Town C? 2. In the morning, Mr. Tan drove from Singapore to Malaka at an average speed of 100 km/h for 3 hours. In the evening, Mr. Tan drove from Melaka back to Singapore at an average speed of 60 km/h. How long was the return journey for the Tan’s Family? 3. Piran ran a marathon of 42 km. For the first 30 km, he ran at an average speed of 6 km/h. For the remaining part, he ran at an average speed of 12 km/h. Find Piran’s average speed for the entire marathon? 4. Heng Heng took 10 minutes to walk from his school to the community centre. He walked at an average speed of 48 m/min. He then walked for another 3 minutes at an average speed of 40 m/min to the bus stop. How far did Heng Heng walk altogether? 5. Mr. Wu left his house at 7.10 a.m. and drove to his office at an average speed of 64 km/h. If the distance between his house and office was 48 km, at what time did he reach his office? 6. The distance between Town P and Town Q is 354 km. A motorist covers 204 km of the journey at an average of 68 km/h. He then covers the rest of the journey at a speed of 75 km/h. Find the total time taken for the whole journey. 7. A motorist travelled an average speed of 75 km/h for 3 ½ hours and then at 65 km/h for 1 ½ hours. What was his average speed for the whole journey? 8. An Olympic swimmer takes 20 minutes to swim 2 km. If he continues at this speed, how far will he swim in 1 hour? 9. Meiling walked 840 m from her house to the school. Her average speed for the journey was 70 m/min. How long did she take to walk from her house to the school? 10. John swam 1 km in 25 minutes. Find his average speed in m/min.



a. 60 km/hour

b. 12.30

2. 5 hour

3. 7 km/h

4. 600 min

5. 8.20

6. 5 hours

7. 72 km/h

8. 6 km

9. 12 min

10. 4000 m/min

6. Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption. Most tsunamis happen along the ring of fire. It is zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the pacific Oceans. Historically, Tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1811, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck Indonesia. The last and biggest one was on December 26, 2004, which caused over 100,00 deaths. A tsunamis can have a width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very high, about 14 m or more. 1. Do you know what kind of text is the text above ? 2. What information about tsunamis can you get from the text ? 3. What can cause tsunamis ? 4. Can you imagine what a tsunami is like ? 5. Does it make you afraid ?

1. descriptive text
2. tsunami is a japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption
3. undersea eartquake, landslide, or eruption
4. yes i can
5. yes it does1. The text above is classified as a report text.
2. There are lots of information about tsunamis from the text. A few of the information are that tsunamis can have a wisth of 100-200 km, tsunamis happen along the ring of fire, and its speed can be as fast as a jet plane.
3. Tsunamis are caused by an underwater earthquake, landslide or eruption.
4. Yes, because I have seen a few videos of them on the television or internet.
5. Yes, because it is very dangerous and it happens very quickly.


Semoga dapat membantu! Jika ada yg perlu ditanyakan, silahkan bertanya :).

7. Tsunami, japanese word meaning " harbour wave, " used as the scientific term for a class of abnormal sea wave that can cause catastrophic damage when it hits a coastline. Tsunamis can be generated by an undersea earthquake, an undersea landslide, the eruption of an undersea volcano, or by the force of an asteroid crashing into the ocean. The most frequent cause of tsunamis is an undersea earthquake. a tsunami can have wavelengths, or widths ( the distance between one wave crest to the next ), of 100 to 200 km ( 60 to 120 mil ), and may travel hundreds of kilometers across the deep ocean, reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 km/h ( about 450 to 500 mph ). A tsunami is not one wave but a series of waves. in the deep ocean, the waves may be only about half a meter ( a foot or two ) high. people on board a ship passing over it would not even notice the tsunami. Upon entering shallow coastal waters , however , the waves may suddenly grow rapidly in height. When the waves reach the shore, they may be 15 m ( 50 ft ) high or more. Tsunamis can also take the form if a very fast tide or bore, depending on the shape of the sea floor. Tsunamis have tremendous force because of the great volume of water affected and the speed at which they travel. Just a cubic yard of water , for example , weights about , one ton. Although the tsunami slows to a speed of about 48 km/h ( 30 mph ) as it approaches a coastline, it has a destructive force equal to millions of tons. Tsunamis are capable of obliterating coastal settlements. Soal: The following is another name or stunning A storm B tide C wave D tidal wave

c wave dong kan ada dikalimat masC. Wave

Ini cuman pendapatku saja, maaf kalau salah!

8. The text is for questions number 10-15Tsunami is a Japanese word for a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquakeor possibly an undersea landslide or volcanic eruption.Most tsunamis originate along the Ring of Fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismicactivity, 32.500 km ( 24,000mtr) long. The zone encircles the Pacific ocean.Historically tsunamis have caused much property destruction and loss of life. Since1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamishave struck Indonesia. The last one was on December 26, 2004 with over 100.000 dead tons.A tsunami can have width of 100 to 200 km and may travel hundreds of kilometersacross the deep ocean. The speed is about 50 to 960 km per hour ( as fast as a jet plane).When the wave reach the land it can be very high, about 15 m high or more.10. What is the most suitable title of the text above?A. HuricaneB. Hawaii islandC. TsunamiD. Earthquake11. The following are the cause of tsunamis, except ...A. Undersea landslideB. Undersea earthquakeC. Lava of a volcanic eruptionD. Volcanic eruption12. How many tsunamis have struck Indonesia so far since 1883 ?A. FortyB. TwentyC. ThirtyD. Ten13. Which of the following sentence is true according to the text?A. Tsunami is very quick, but the speed is not more than a jet planeB. The dead tolls of 2004 tsunami in Indonesia was less than 100,000C. A tsunami can be very high, but it is usually not very wideD. The word tsunami is derived from a Japanese word14. "The Zone encircles the Pacific ocean".The underlined word has the same meaning with ...A. AreaB. PlaceC. PalaceD. Environment15. "... much property destruction and ...".What is the synonym of the underlined word ?A. LoseB. DamageC. FaultD. Extinction​


10. C

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. Kalau yang digarisbawahi Zone, jawabannya A

15. B?

9. Example: Suppose a planner is designing an airport for small planes. One kind of airplane that might use this airfield must reach a speed before takeoff of 100 km/h (27.8 m/s) and can accelerate at 2.0 m/s2. If the runaway is 150 m long, can this airplane reach the proper speed to take off? Contoh: Misalkan perencana sedang merancang bandara untuk rencana kecil. Salah satu jenis pesawat yang mungkin menggunakan lapangan terbang ini harus mencapai kecepatan sebelum lepas landas 100 km / jam (27,8 m / s) dan dapat berakselerasi pada 2,0 m / s2. Jika pelariannya panjang 150 m, bisakah pesawat ini mencapai kecepatan yang tepat untuk lepas landas?




v = v₀ + a. t

27,8 = 0 + 2. t

t = 27,8/2 = 13,9 s

x = v₀. t + 1/2. a. t²

x = 0 + 1/2. 2 . 13,9²

x = 193,21 m

Untuk mendapatkan kecepatan 27,8 m/s, diperlukan panjang dari runaway sebesar 193,21 m.  Jadi jika dirancang panjang runaway hanya 150 m tidak mencukupi.

10. DolphinsDolphin is an aquatic mammals. This fish is well known as a very kind predator to humanespecially the sailors. Most stories tells that dolphins often helps the sailors who get accident in the sea.Dolphin is not only helper for other dolphin but also helper for human who swims at the sea from theattack of shark.Dolphin is also a very smart aquatic mammal and can be easily domesticated and trained to dosomething interesting like doing some dolphin acrobatic dance in the water as can be seen in circus.Dolphin, just as like as whale, likes to swim at the sea surface for breathing. Because it has lungsfor breathing, then dolphin never swim under the deep water too long. At the surface, sometimes itjumps over the sea frequently to take a breath.Dolphin also like to do the same thing near the ships or when it is following the ship. This habitalways makes the sailors happy.As a predator, dolphin is not only hunting small fish under the water but also hunting birds at thesea surface.Typically, dolphin has 1,7 m long and 50 kg weight. its torpedo shaped body makes it swims easilyat the high speed around 55.5 km per hours and it can jump highly over the sea surface.As social animal, dolphin lives in a group which has up to 100 members. They often help eachother, for example helping the other ill dolphin to breath by bringing it at the surface.6. What is the purpose of the text?7. Dolphin is also a very smart aquatic mammal...what is the synonym of the word 'smart'?8. Why does dolphin like to swim at the sea surface?9. Why is dolphin usually called as human helper?10. They often help each other (last paragraph). The word they refers to ......​


6. to describing about dolphin

11. Essay TestBukittinggi (Indonesian : KotaBukittinggi, Minangkabau : Bukiktinggi, Jawi 17), is the thirdlargest city in West Sumatra, Indonesia, with a population of over 124,000people and an area of 25.24 km. 3] It is in the Minangkabau Highlands,90 km by road from the West Sumatran capital city of Padang. The wholearea directly borders to the Agam Regency, making it an enclave, and islocated at 0 ° 18'20 2 S 100° 22'9 ? E, near the volcanoes YouSinggalang (inactive) and Mount Merapi (still active). At 930 m above sealevel, the ciñ has a cool cimate with temperatures between 16.1 ° to 24.9 °C.Bukittinggi used to be known as Fort de Kock and was once dubbed "Parijsvan Sumatera". The cig was the capital of Indonesia during the EmergencyGovernment of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Before it became thecapital of PDRI, the cig was a center of government at the time of the DutchEast Indies and during the Japanese colonial period.Bukittinggi is ako known as a leading tourist city in West Sumatra. It istwinned with Seremban in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The Jan Gadang, aclock tower is located in the heart of the city, is a symbol for the city and awel-visited tourist spot.The city is die birthplace of Mohammad Hatta, Indonesian co-proclamatorand Assaat, then Indonesian (acting) president. Koto Gadang village in thesouthwest of city produces an abundance of statesmen, ministers, doctors,economist, artist and scholars who make a great contribution to Indonesia,namely Sutan Sjahrir , Agus Salim, Bahder Djohan, Rohana Kudus , EmilSalim, Dr. Syahrir, etc.1. Where is the location of Bukit Tinggi?2. Bandung dubbed as Paris van Java and Bukit Tinggi dubbed as?3. What is the name of twin city of Bukit Tinggi?4. Write down the tourist spot in your city. As much as you can5. Beside Bung Hatta, write down the name of the other great man or herofrom West SumateraJawaban Andamohon di jawab:)​


C. How could t7gty

12. Mohon di bntu y






dah dibantu kannnnnnnnnnn

13. Tsunami Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, ladslide, or eruption. Most tsunamis happen along the Ring of Fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the Pacific Ocean. Historically, tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaian Islands and since 1883, aboput 20 tsunamis lave struck Indonesia. The last one was on December 26, 2004, which caused over 100,000 deaths. Recently, tsunamis have struck many cities in Japan on March 11th, 2011. They have killed thousands people and have damaged everything. A tsunami can have width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very hidh, about 15 m or more. Answer these questions based on the text above! 1. What kind of the text above? 2. What can cause tsunamis? 3. When did tsunamis happen in Aceh? 4. How wide can tsunamis spread far across the deep ocean? 5. When did the first tsunamis happen in Hawaian Island? Tolong di Jawab yhh:)

2.By an undersea earthquake,ladslide,or eruption
3.December 26,2004
4.A tsunami can have width of 100 to 200 km
5.Since 1819
*semogamembantu1. Expository text
2. an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption.
3. on December 26, 2004
4. 100 to 200 km
5. in 1819

14. Carilah kata sifat dalam teks deskripsi berbahasa inggris dibawah ini! Bears are wild animals. Although they are carnivore, most of them also consume plants and fruits. There are only eight species of bears remaining in the world, they are: Brown Bear, Polar Bear, Asian Black Bear, American Black Bear, Sun Bear, Sloth Bear, Spectacled Bear and Giant Panda. Bears are spread around the globe except for the Polar Bear which can only be found in the North Pole. Most bears can live up to 20 years. Each species can reach different body size when they have fully grown up. Panda can grow up to 90 cm, Polar Bear can grow up to 2 m, Brown Bear can grow up to 150 cm. The largest bear such as Brown Bear can reach 600 kg in weight. With their heavy weight, they can still swim well and they are still a good runner and a good climber too. They can reach maximum speed in running at 40 km/h. They live in a cave or logs, especially during the winter for hibernation that can take up to 100 days. Even if they can stand on two feet like humans, but they are classified as caniforms (doglike carnivorans) who walked on four legs. All of their body are covered with thick skin and long fur. This is one of the reason they are being hunted by humans since prehistoric times. Bears have sharp claws on their hand that they can use to dig or to defend themselves during a fight. Generally, bears have a huge and strong body with short tail and small ears. Male bears usually have larger body than the female. They have an excellent sense of smell that help them a lot in finding food.


giant, largest, strong






15. Shoh bende as dorong oleh kay besar 150 & ao vid mondtar 4 lion you no bonda har Indah Selash 10 m Bild a Starah dengan arah Perpindahan hitungon vecka 4 1 OL 3 Sebuah 3 Spresor EN bevor to poder stetoale Lendah expanding 15m searah dengan arah gore Jaset berorda bolama lo de hitonglah usaha yg di lakukan Saya dan yo dihastikon! Gaya konstens forloper 300 sesoder dengan produs mlring i lian dengan sodet Clarasi 30 mendorong triot masanya 40 kg sejauh 20 ke atas bidang miring bila gaisa berdort seiama & dock dan Percepatan gravitrisi 10m's hitunzione verho di lakukan dan ditt yg dhasisken en la feltet Sebuah mom massant 100 kg berserat id porcelatoon dari 18 km/sam mendado 20 kolam selama 25 destik Hitungiah Jahet dorom mesin mobil surak to d tomu mohl usaha dilakukan oleh got di lotukan oleh Jaya, dan dasar yg d hauran orch Saya​


Makasih Poinnya

Maaf saya tidak bisa bahasa mars

16. Berikut ini adalah data KM. Gelombang milik perusahaan pelayaran PT. Kurnia Semarang, adalah sbb : Port TGH TW TG A Cargo (Ton) Discharge Load 4.000 3.000 9.000 5.000 5.000 16 12 7 MFO 60 75 50 BUNKER Price/Ton MDO 1.000.000 180 900.000 80 1.200.000 100 Price/Ton 2.000.000 1.800.000 2.400.000 B 14 8 18 16 C 15 6 Port to Port A-B B-C C--A Freight/Ton 120,000 150,000 100,000 Distance / Miles 900 1.260 720 Speed avarege : 15 Knot Sales Cost 5 % Cargo Exp. : Tariff/ Ton = Rp. 25.000 Bunker Exp.: Konsumsi Bahan Bakar/hr : MFO = 20 Ton MDO = 10 Ton Port & Canal Dues : Rp. 165.000.000 Transhipment Exp. : Rp. 325.000.000 Agency Fee & Commission : 2 % Ship's Operating Cost: Rp. 550.000.000 Cargo Claim : 1% Insurance Premium: H&M = Rp. 915.000.000 / Thn P & I = Rp. 457.500.000 Deprerciation : Rp. 640.000.000 / Thn Overhaed Cost : Rp. 310.000.000 Tax : 5% Diminta : - Hitung EAT Buatkan jurnal yang di perlukan​



17. 17. Nama induk organisasi softball di Indonesia adalah... *4 poinA. PASIB. FIBAC. PERBASASID. IBL18. Nama induk organisasi softball internasional adalah... *4 poinA. FIFAB. ISFC. IBLD. FIBA19. Nama lain dari kebugaran jasmani adalah… *4 poinA. Physical fitnessB. Physical educationC. Physical distancingD. Physical evidence20. Salah satu bentuk latihan peningkatan derajat kebugaran jasmani kekuatan otot kaki adalah… *4 poinA. Side to side jumpB. PlankC. Back upD. Sit up21. Berikut bentuk latihan peningkatan derajat kebugaran jasmani kekuatan otot perut, kecuali… *4 poinA. PlankB. Sit upC. CrunchD. Shuttle run22. Saat melakukan push up, berat badan bertumpu pada... *4 poinA. TanganB. PahaC. LututD. Tungkai23. Berikut cabang olahraga yang membutuhkan dominan unsur kekuatan adalah... *4 poinA. PanahanB. Sepak bolaC. Bola basketD. Angkat besi24. Berikut olahraga yang membutuhkan dominan unsur kecepatan adalah... *4 poinA. Angkat besiB. Lempar lembingC. Tolak peluruD. Lari sprint25. Berikut nomor lari atletik yang tidak hanya membutuhkan dominan unsur kecepatan namun juga daya tahan, kecuali... *4 poinA. Lari marathonB. Lari estafetC. Lari 2,4 KmD. Lari sprint 100 mTOLONG DI BANTU KAK​







maaf hanya bisa menjawab itu saja, semoga membantu

18. Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption. Most tsunamis happen along the ring of fire. It is zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the pacific Oceans. Historically, Tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1811, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaiian islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck Indonesia. The last and biggest one was on December 26, 2004, which caused over 100,00 deaths. A tsunamis can have a width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very high, about 14 m or more. 6.Read the text, what kind of text is it and give the translation of the text? 7. What does the text tell ya about? 8.what can cause tsunami? 9.can tsunami make people suffer?why? 10. What ia ring of fire?​


6. description text

tsunami berasal dari kata dalam bahasa jepang yang berarti gelombang seismik pada laut yang tercipta dari gempa bawah laut, pergerakan lempeng, atau erupsi. biasanya, tsunami terjadi disepanjang cincin apai. cincin api merupakan zona dengan gunung api dan aktivitas seismik. zona tersebut menitari laut pasifik. sejarah menjelaskan, tsunami menyebabkan sangat banyak kerusakan dan kematian. sejak 1811, tercatat sekitar 40 tsunami telah menerjang kepulauan hawaii dan sejak 1883, sekitar 20 tsunami menerjang indonesia. yang terakhir pada desember 2004 yang menyebabkan lebih dari 100.000 korban jiwa. tsunami dapat mencapai luasa. 100-200 km dan menyebar luas ke dalam permukaan laut. kecepatan ha seperti pesawat jet. ketika gelombang mencapai tanah, gelombang tersebut dapat menjadi lebih besar sekitar 14 m atau lebih.

7. the description about tsunami causes and effects

8. undersea earthquake, land slide or vulcano activity

9. yes, bcause tsunami has a big wave especially when it hit the land. and causes so much death.

10. zone with vulcanoes and seismic activity

19. 1. A person cycling a distance of 180 meters in 30 seconds. The speed of the bicycle is... ( km/h )2. A person travels from one place to another by taking a bus. if the distance between these places is 100 km in 2 hours, then the average speed of the bus is... (m/s)​


1. 180÷30 = 6m/s

0,006 × 3600 = 21,6 km/h

2. 100÷2 = 50 km/h

50000÷3600 = 13 8/9 m/s

20. Ada yang tau gak ini maksudnya apa?? Bantu saya memahami maksudnya dan please, kasih jawabannya kalau ada yang tau apa jawabannya. Saya butuh jawaban kalian manteman Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct present tense. (Masukkan kata kerja dalam tanda kurung ke dalam present tense yang benar.) 1. A toothpick (be) _____ a small stick of the wood, plastic, bamboo, metal, bone, or orther substance used to remove detritus from the teeth, usually after a meal. A toohpick usually (have) _____ one or two sharp ends to insert between teeth. They (come) _____ in both wood and plastic, and (be) _____ used for picking up small appetizers like cheese cubes or olives, or as cocktail stick. 2. In meteorology, a cloud (be) _____ a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water or various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. These suspended particles (be) ____ also known as aerosols and (be) _____ studied in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. Terrestrial cloud formation (be) _____ the result of air in Earth's atmosphere becoming saturated due to either or both of two processes; cooling of the air and adding water vapor. With sufficient saturation, precipitation (fall) _____ to the surface; an exception is virga, which (evaporate) _____ before reaching the surface. 3. Eagle is (be) _____ a common name for same members of the bird family Accipitridae; it (belong) _____ to several genera that are not necessarily closely related to each other. Most of the sixty species of eagle (be) _____ from Eurasia and Africa. Outside this area, just eleven species can be found - two species (the Bald Eagle ang Golden Eagle) in the United States and Canada, nine species in Central America and South America, and three species in Australia. Eagles normally (build) _____ their nesth, called eyries, in tall trees or on high cliffs. Many species (lay) ____ two eggs, but the older, larger chick frequently (kill) _____ its younger sibling once it has hatched. The dominant chick (tend) _____ to be the female, as they (be) _____ bigger than the male. The parents (take) _____ no action to stop the killing. 4. A tornado (be) ______ a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth an a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. They (be) _____ often referred to as twisters or cyclones, altough the word cyclone is used in meteorology, in a wider sense, to rame any closed low pressure circulation. Tornadoes (come) _____ in many shapes and sizes, buut they (be) _____ typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end (touch) ______ the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of a debris and dust. Most tornadoes (have) _____ wind speeds less than 110 miles per hour (177 km/h), are about 250 feet (76 m) across, and travel a few miles (several kilometers) before dissipating. The most extreme tornadoes (attain) _____ wind speeds of more than 300 miles per hour (483 km/h) (stretch) _____ more than two miles (3.2 km) across, and (stay) _____ on the ground for dozens of miles (more than 100 km).

itu yg no satu artinya

1. Tusuk gigi (berupa) tongkat kecil dari kayu, plastik, bambu, logam, tulang, atau bahan lain yang digunakan untuk menghilangkan detritus dari gigi, biasanya setelah makan. Tusuk gigi biasanya (memiliki) satu atau dua ujung yang tajam untuk disisipkan di antara gigi. Mereka (datang) dalam kayu dan plastik, dan (untuk) mengambil makanan pembuka kecil seperti kubus keju atau zaitun, atau sebagai batang koktail. bekas

tinggal jawab dah

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